91 Days - anime review

91 Days

"91 Days" is a 12-episode anime series produced by Studio Shuka, which aired from July to October 2016. The show is set in the prohibition era of America, where we follow the story of a young man named Avilio Bruno. Avilio seeks revenge against the mafia organization that killed his family and destroyed his hometown, and he does so by getting involved with the same mafia family that committed the crime.
As soon as the show started, I was hooked by the atmosphere and setting. The prohibition era has always been a fascinating period in history for me, and "91 Days" captured it beautifully. The art style and animation were also stunning, creating a dark and gritty world that felt authentic to the era.
One of the most impressive things about the show was how it managed to balance character development with plot progression. Avilio was a compelling protagonist, and his motives were always clear. I found myself rooting for him even when he made questionable decisions. The other characters, such as the mafia boss Don Vanetti and his son Nero, were also well fleshed out, with their own motivations and personal struggles.
The show was filled with twists and turns, and every episode left me wanting more. The tension and suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and I found myself invested in the outcome of every conflict.
In terms of criticisms, I did feel that some characters could have been given more screen time and development. Additionally, the pacing of the show was occasionally slow, which could be frustrating at times.
Overall, "91 Days" is an excellent anime that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys crime dramas, revenge stories, or period pieces. The show is well-written, beautifully animated, and filled with memorable characters and moments. I'm glad I took the time to watch it, and I look forward to revisiting it in the future.
ired from July to October 2016. The show is set in the prohibition era of America, where we follow the story of a young man named Avilio Bruno. Avilio seeks revenge against the mafia organization that killed his family and destroyed his hometown, and he does so by getting involved with the same mafia family that committed the crime.
As soon as the show started, I was hooked by the atmosphere and setting. The prohibition era has always been a fascinating period in history for me, and "91 Days" captured it beautifully. The art style and animation were also stunning, creating a dark and gritty world that felt authentic to the era.
One of the most impressive things about the show was how it managed to balance character development with plot progression. Avilio was a compelling protagonist, and his motives were always clear. I found myself rooting for him even when he made questionable decisions. The other characters, such as the mafia boss Don Vanetti and his son Nero, were also well fleshed out, with their own motivations and personal struggles.
The show was filled with twists and turns, and every episode left me wanting more. The tension and suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and I found myself invested in the outcome of every conflict.
In terms of criticisms, I did feel that some characters could have been given more screen time and development. Additionally, the pacing of the show was occasionally slow, which could be frustrating at times.
Overall, "91 Days" is an excellent anime that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys crime dramas, revenge stories, or period pieces. The show is well-written, beautifully animated, and filled with memorable characters and moments. I'm glad I took the time to watch it, and I look forward to revisiting it in the future.

As soon as the show started, I was hooked by the atmosphere and setting. The prohibition era has always been a fascinating period in history for me, and "91 Days" captured it beautifully. The art style and animation were also stunning, creating a dark and gritty world that felt authentic to the era.
One of the most impressive things about the show was how it managed to balance character development with plot progression. Avilio was a compelling protagonist, and his motives were always clear. I found myself rooting for him even when he made questionable decisions. The other characters, such as the mafia boss Don Vanetti and his son Nero, were also well fleshed out, with their own motivations and personal struggles.
The show was filled with twists and turns, and every episode left me wanting more. The tension and suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and I found myself invested in the outcome of every conflict.
In terms of criticisms, I did feel that some characters could have been given more screen time and development. Additionally, the pacing of the show was occasionally slow, which could be frustrating at times.
Overall, "91 Days" is an excellent anime that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys crime dramas, revenge stories, or period pieces. The show is well-written, beautifully animated, and filled with memorable characters and moments. I'm glad I took the time to watch it, and I look forward to revisiting it in the future.
ired from July to October 2016. The show is set in the prohibition era of America, where we follow the story of a young man named Avilio Bruno. Avilio seeks revenge against the mafia organization that killed his family and destroyed his hometown, and he does so by getting involved with the same mafia family that committed the crime.
As soon as the show started, I was hooked by the atmosphere and setting. The prohibition era has always been a fascinating period in history for me, and "91 Days" captured it beautifully. The art style and animation were also stunning, creating a dark and gritty world that felt authentic to the era.
One of the most impressive things about the show was how it managed to balance character development with plot progression. Avilio was a compelling protagonist, and his motives were always clear. I found myself rooting for him even when he made questionable decisions. The other characters, such as the mafia boss Don Vanetti and his son Nero, were also well fleshed out, with their own motivations and personal struggles.
The show was filled with twists and turns, and every episode left me wanting more. The tension and suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and I found myself invested in the outcome of every conflict.
In terms of criticisms, I did feel that some characters could have been given more screen time and development. Additionally, the pacing of the show was occasionally slow, which could be frustrating at times.
Overall, "91 Days" is an excellent anime that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys crime dramas, revenge stories, or period pieces. The show is well-written, beautifully animated, and filled with memorable characters and moments. I'm glad I took the time to watch it, and I look forward to revisiting it in the future.

As I mentioned earlier, the show takes place during the prohibition era of the United States, specifically in the fictional city of Lawless, Illinois. The story follows Avilio Bruno, who changes his name to Angelo Lagusa, as he seeks revenge against the Vanetti mafia family for the murder of his family. To do so, he befriends Nero Vanetti and works his way up the mafia ranks, all while plotting his revenge.
The show has a strong focus on themes of revenge, justice, and loyalty. The characters are all complex and multi-dimensional, with their own motivations and allegiances. The relationships between the characters are also a key aspect of the show, with some characters being torn between their loyalty to the mafia family and their personal morals.
The animation and art style of "91 Days" are also worth mentioning. The show has a muted color palette that reflects the grim and dark nature of the story. The animation is fluid and expressive, with attention to detail in the character designs and backgrounds.
In addition to the main story, "91 Days" also has a number of side characters and subplots that add to the overall world-building and atmosphere of the show. These side stories help to flesh out the world of Lawless and give the show a sense of depth and history.
Overall, "91 Days" is a well-crafted and engaging anime that offers a unique take on the mafia genre. The show has a strong cast of characters, a compelling story, and excellent animation. If you're a fan of crime dramas, revenge stories, or historical anime, then "91 Days" is definitely worth checking out.
                                                                           -otaku nanashi

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