As the story unfolds, we're introduced to a cast of complex characters who are struggling to survive in this harsh and unforgiving world. There's Onishi, the leader of the ruling class who is determined to maintain his power at any cost. There's Doc, a scientist who is obsessed with pushing the limits of human enhancement. And there's Ran, a young girl who is trying to find her place in a world that doesn't seem to have a place for her.
What sets TEXHNOLYZE apart from other cyberpunk anime is its emphasis on atmosphere and symbolism. The show is often slow-paced and contemplative, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the dark and foreboding world of Lux. The imagery is often striking and surreal, with scenes that are both beautiful and unsettling.
Another strength of TEXHNOLYZE is its soundtrack. The haunting and ethereal music by Keishi Urata perfectly complements the show's visuals and helps to create a sense of otherworldliness.
Despite its many strengths, TEXHNOLYZE often goes overlooked in the world of anime. Perhaps it's because the show is so bleak and uncompromising in its vision, or perhaps it's because it lacks the flashy action scenes and humor that are so common in other anime. But for those who are willing to give it a chance, TEXHNOLYZE is a true masterpiece of the cyberpunk genre.
In conclusion, if you're a fan of cyberpunk anime and haven't watched TEXHNOLYZE yet, you're missing out on one of the most underrated and thought-provoking shows in the genre. Give it a chance, and you might just be surprised by how deeply it resonates with you.
-Otaku Nanashi